
Could not find executable for ARMC5

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I'm using macOS, I've just installed Mbed cli (it supposedly contains GCC inside its package, nevertheless I downloaded from and used the bin folder path for GCC_ARM_PATH variable).
I've done everything from this guide but when trying to compile I get this error:

Could not find executable for ARMC5.
Currently set search path: /Users/user/Documents/MBED_LIBS/GCC/bin/
[mbed] ERROR: "/Applications/" returned error.
       Code: 2
       Path: "/Users/user/Desktop/Grupo/mbed-os-example-lorawan"
       Command: "/Applications/ -u /Users/user/Desktop/Grupo/mbed-os-example-lorawan/mbed-os/tools/ -t ARM -m MTS_MDOT_F411RE --source . --build ./BUILD/MTS_MDOT_F411RE/ARM"
       Tip: You could retry the last command with "-v" flag for verbose output

ARM Internal Ref: IOTCELL-2082

use GCC_ARM as your target. ARMC5 is commercial tool and if you have then check that your path has been configured properly.

use GCC_ARM as your target. ARMC5 is commercial tool and if you have then check that your path has been configured properly.

Oh I see, now I finally got it to compile! Thanks!

PS. You should consider adding this solution as a note on the README because I'm pretty sure that some other ARM newbie like me will face the same problem.
