
Separate server images for local as well as cloud deployments

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The intent is to make two server images , one that can be used freely on local machines and another what can be called (enterprise edition) would be running on cloud with a large database of functions

A detailed analysis

Local server image Cloud server image
Authentication There will be no authentication in the local server as it would be run by an individual for the individual so authentication wont be required On cloud , authentication and authorisation is of paramount importance so cant be ignored
Database Here the data traffic is not too much so the data regarding functions will be managed within the application image. With a need for transactions and optimisations , It will be connected to a mongodb database
File storage The argorithm code file will be stored in docker volumes run by local drivers The argorithm code files will be either be stored directly in cloud storage or in docker volumes managed by cloud drivers

This issue focuses on the use of python-dotenv and docker env variables to create the image variations in the same code