
Apps have no icon + not valid apps

Opened this issue · 4 comments


i found 3 buggs that every server running your addon has.

  1. All apps are having no icon.
  2. There are some apps that are not valid. When you open them it says something like "its not available in your area"
  3. arcphone randomly crashes. First i thought it only happend when you call an emergency number but now i seen that it just crashed by someone leaving the server.

And can you add full language support? I have no problems translating the addon for my self but we got no option for doing that.

"Why free?
Well, I haven't been actively providing quality customer support and proper maintenence for my addons for quite some time. But since a lot of time and effort has been put a lot in this one, I don't want to just seal it away. I hope the community can take on the challange with making this better."

and please close the issue

please take note of "I hope the community can take on the challange with making this better."

however, because you can have different apps on different servers but one home configuration you may encounter some "its not available in your area" errors (depending on the apps the server has)
because of this they may have no icon at all if the server dont have them (so 1 and 2 are the same "problem")

i cant replicate the third one so you may need to give more informations (if it still happends) ^^

I'm not using arcphone anymore (Because of the bugs), but it just happened.
I can't give more information, because the console didn't tell me more information other than that it just crashed.