No annotation xml file found error when processing with ISCE
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I am getting an error when downloading using burst2stack. The same dataset works fine when starting with the regular SLCs.
When I run the first the first ISCE processing step I get an No annotation xml file found
error: -c /scratch/05861/tg851601/qaMerapiSenAT127/configs/config_reference
Completed Parsing the Configuration file
Functions to be executed:
['Function-1', 'Function-2']
Running: Sentinel1_TOPS
['--dirname', '/scratch/05861/tg851601/qaMerapiSenAT127/SLC/S1A_IW_SLC__1SSV_20240107T105850_20240107T105853_051999_0648AD_06D0.SAFE', '--swaths', '2', '--orbitdir', '/work2/05861/tg851601/stampede2/insarlab/S1orbits', '--outdir', '/scratch/05861/tg851601/qaMerapiSenAT127/reference', '--auxdir', '/work2/05861/tg851601/stampede2/insarlab/S1aux', '--bbox', '-7.7 -7.4 107.4 113.5', '--pol', 'vv']
No annotation xml file found in /scratch/05861/tg851601/qaMerapiSenAT127/SLC/S1A_IW_SLC__1SSV_20240107T105850_20240107T105853_051999_0648AD_06D0.SAFE
Running: topo
['--reference', '/scratch/05861/tg851601/qaMerapiSenAT127/reference', '--dem', '/scratch/05861/tg851601/qaMerapiSenAT127/DEM/elevation_S10_S04_E109_E114.dem.wgs84', '--geom_referenceDir', '/scratch/05861/tg851601/qaMerapiSenAT127/geom_reference', '--numProcess', '8']
running in parallel with 8 processes
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/work2/05861/tg851601/stampede2/code/rsmas_insar/tools/miniconda3/share/isce2/topsStack/", line 251, in <module>
File "/work2/05861/tg851601/stampede2/code/rsmas_insar/tools/miniconda3/share/isce2/topsStack/", line 242, in main
File "/work2/05861/tg851601/stampede2/code/rsmas_insar/tools/miniconda3/share/isce2/topsStack/", line 54, in runCmd
File "/work2/05861/tg851601/stampede2/code/rsmas_insar/tools/miniconda3/share/isce2/topsStack/", line 112, in main
bbox = [np.min(boxes[:,0]), np.max(boxes[:,1]), np.min(boxes[:,2]), np.max(boxes[:,3])]
IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed
However, there is a *xml file :
total 416
drwxr-xr-x 2 tg851601 G-820134 4096 Aug 24 23:06 calibration
drwxr-xr-x 2 tg851601 G-820134 4096 Aug 24 23:06 rfi
-rw-r--r-- 1 tg851601 G-820134 425936 Aug 24 23:06 s1a-iw1-slc-vv-20240107t105850-20240107t105856-051999-0648ad-001.xml
Any idea what is happening? I downloaded the data using:
burst2stack --rel-orbit 127 --start-date 2024-01-01 --end-date 2024-03-31 --extent 110.39 -7.6 110.49 -7.49
I also encountered a similar problem.
The swath number is 2 when generating configs for stackSentinel.
But the annotation xml in .SAFE is for swath 1.
I solved this issue by unifying the input swath number for stackSentinel and the s1a-iw{swath_num}*.xml.
Can you please be a bit more specific on how you solved it? What do you mean with unifying? Which files did you edit manually?
Can you please be a bit more specific on how you solved it? What do you mean with unifying? Which files did you edit manually?
The swath number explicitly specified in your config_reference is [iw2], but the provided xml in .SAFE is iw1, which makes the problem in validating the input .xml.
Change the swaths_number in config/config_reference, or specify the swath number when calling can solve this, --swath_num.
Another option may just use the default '--swath_num', '1 2 3'.