
ASFN select functions

Closed this issue · 14 comments


The select_parameter and select_mult_parameters functions don't seem to be responding to user inputs. Each time, no matter the choice it defaults to the first option.

There is a similar issue with the select function for the file/folder location. No file tree is loading.

Thank you for letting us know about this issue.

I went ahead and tested the select_parameter option based on one of the notebooks that use this feature, and the below gif displays my result:


I was able to get a different result (i.e. working properly), but you may have a different issue from my test result.

If possible, could you post the output of the following variables?

  • active_projects
  • active_projects.keys()

Input argument, which is active_projects.keys() in this case, needs to be a list of strings, so it should look something like this:

['Beal-Asc-InSAR', 'beal-desc-insar']

Another possibility is that you are using display(project_select) right after the project_select = ... line. Try removing display() and just use the project_select.

Please let us know if you have any further issues with the above suggestions.

In a meantime, I will look into the issue regarding the select function for the file/folder location.

Interesting. Here is the output of the active project keys.

here is the other output you requested (I think...). Removing the display() call seems to result in no options being shown.

One possibility why this is happening is because the variable active_projects is a dictionary and the value of active_projects.keys() returns a dict_keys datatype instead of a list. You can verify this with the below example:

# make a new list for testing purposes
active_projects_list = ['Beal-Asc-InSAR', 'beal-desc-insar']

# store a value of active_projects.keys()
dictionary_key = active_projects.keys()

# printout the data type:
print(type(active_projects_list)) # will yield <class 'list'>
print(type(dictionary_key )) # will yield <class 'dict_keys'>

If you wish to convert the dict_keys into a list, you can do something like this:

dictionary_key = list(active_projects.keys())

I would also like to note that even with dictionary_key, I was able to run the select_parameter properly, but it could be due to a different environment setup.

Please let us know if you have any further issues.

Thank you.

I am using the pre-built "insar_analysis" env that was created using the notebook 'Create_OSL_Conda_Environments'. Should I be using a different env?

It doesn't look like changing to a list makes a difference. I also printed the project_select object in case that is helpful.

Hello Ryan,

Would you be able to send us an output of your insar_analysis environments?

To do this, make a new cell, and type in the following command:

!conda list

which runs a bash script that outputs all the environment that is installed in the kernel.

For reference, *this is what mine looks like.

*NB: It will download the log output of my insar_analysis env.

You can use a diff checker, such as this one, to check the discrepancies between our environments.

thanks! here is a link to the differences. Didn't notice any missing pkgs but some version differences for sure. My openssl version is much older than yours.

Thank you for providing us with the results. In that case, please try to update the outdated packages first. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Update via terminal:
    Open the terminal and run the following command:
mamba update -c conda-forge openssl
  1. Update via JupyterLab:
    Make new cell, and run this command:
# this requires "!" symbol
!mamba update -c conda-forge openssl

Once done, confirm the version with conda list command (and also make sure that you are on insar_analysis kernel).

If you suspect that other packages are causing this issue, try updating these packages by replacing the openssl part of the update command:

  • importlib-metadata
  • traitlets

Please let us know if you still have any issues.

updating those pkgs is not solving the issue either.

would you be able to send me a .yml of your insar_analysis env?

I feel like I may be getting closer... I noticed in the comparison of our package lists that I have a pkg called 'comm' that you do not have in your env. Whenever I try to interact with any of the radio buttons generated by the asfn.select_parameter() function, I get these warnings in the log at the bottom of the notebook. 'No such comm: xxxxx' Related?


follow up: I tired to remove the comm package from the insar_analysis env but that failed

This is the up-to-date insar_analysis.yml that we are using.

If everything in the .yaml looks correct, try *rebuilding the insar_analysis kernel using Create_OSL_Conda_Environments.ipynb notebook.

This should be located in /home/jovyan/conda_environments.

*NB: Make sure that you also have script on the same directory.

thank you, recreating the environment appears to have solved the problem.