
expose_functions() does not work

shigesong opened this issue · 5 comments

Line 1135 of 11.Rmd, the code:

expose_functions(b11.5, vectorize = TRUE)
Produced error message of:
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find an inherited method for function ‘get_stancode’ for signature ‘"stanmodel"’
I am using rstan 2.18, which I compiled myself. This might be the problem?

Hmmm. I'm currently using rstan 2.17.3. So yes, that'd be my first guess. This might be a good question for the Stan Forums under the brms tag:

Were you able to get an answer to the question or find a workaround?

The new github version of rstan seems to fix the problem.

That's great; thanks for the update!