Program schedule pages
Closed this issue · 4 comments
To do: Figure out how to display the conference program/ schedule!
In the past, a basic table was used (see below) with links to jump to each day.
I assume Assets will have one track in the past, but that is also subject to change!
Some thoughts:
At a minimum, we can improve the table styling to match the table on the attending page (see below), and maybe use the sidebar/ table of contents to let people jump to specific times/ sessions?
Some other examples of how non- conferences have displayed their programs:
CSCW has a nice program outline:
(perhaps we can have a program overview at the top of the page, then details below?)
Will add some mockups shortly!
Yes. Love it @jayhersk. Thanks for taking the initiative!
We will also have to soon post the registration costs, etc.
OK team. We now need to gear up to launch this. See email thread entitled "Publishing the conference program to our website"
@EdigaHe sent out an email yesterday with a draft template. Thanks @EdigaHe.
If I might kindly suggest that @jayhersk do some of her design magic on best thinking about how to display this page, that would be awesome. At a minimum, I think we can clean it up aesthetically a bit but also improve it functionally by:
- Adding in the left TOC float (perhaps for each day? Though perhaps more granularly)
- Adding in a little summary like CSCW had at the top of the page
Other things?
Draft wit updated content at
Sent for Kristen and Stephanie's feedback