
Write the docs for preset: glare

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Frame 3

Inside the example/docs there is a empty nextjs app, that you have to change according to the wireframe that is provided in the picture above.

Important points:

  • Keep the UI for the sidebar in app/layout.tsx.
  • Routes need to be in this manner:
      - app/
        - layout.tsx
        - presets/
          - glare/
            - page.tsx
  • Keep the code in a structured format (i.e: keep the UI components inside /components).
  • You can add some creativity in the design, no need to be strict about the provided design.

i can resolve this issue please assign it to me

please Assign it to me

please Assign it to me

Choose one issue, I can not assign multiple issues to one mentee at a time. I have previously assigned an issue to you but there was no response afterwards. Therefore I need to make sure If you are willing to work on this issue.