
Feature Request: Remove Day from Date Label

shauneccles opened this issue · 0 comments

I would like the ability to remove the Day part of the label on the x-axis for every datapoint on the SPC chart.

I often deal with monthly aggregated datasets - these come to me with the day value being 1, representing that entire months data.
For example, I get data like this:

Date Rainy Days Total Days
1/1/2023 10 31
1/2/2023 15 28

Currently when using the Visual it will display the day, which is irrelevant for monthly aggregates and has caused confusion.


I would like the ability to drop the day completely from the label.
Desired date labelling state:

I can currently do this when using a Date Hierarchy, however this does not work when using raw Date - see #194

PBI Version: Version: 2.122.1066.0 64-bit (October 2023)
Visual Version: PBISPC.