[Possible PR] Wildcards ported from outdated script
aphix opened this issue · 1 comments
Looks like this script didn't bring over the updates I made to the existing wildcard script that handled image grid generation as a final step, fixed seed issues, and added wildcard prompt info to the PNG metadata.
If those aren't something to be handled by extensions anymore then perhaps this can be closed, but otherwise these two commits should be simple enough to port to the new script. Let me know if you'd prefer if I submitted as a PR, or if there was a reason the outdated script was used (these were previously already merged into the jtkelm2 script).
(note that the 2nd commit fixes a few issues noticed/mentioned when developing 1st commit)
I'd also like to see this extension caught up to the existing wildcard script. If AUTOMATIC1111 (understandably) doesn't want to maintain this extension on top of everything else then it might be good idea to hand it over to the creator of the original script or whoever wants to update and maintain wildcards.
Upon further research, I'm a bit confused. Has the Wildcards extension been superseded by Dynamic Prompts? If so, it might be good if the former were dropped from the WebUI extensions list. Also apologies for any accidental automatic pings if this is indeed a necropost.