
How to setup an app?

Tythus opened this issue · 2 comments

Authorization callback URL (no idea?)
Homepage URL (I presumed this would be my domain that points to it?)
also I've never used node.js I'm not even sure how I start this up :P

AVGP commented

Hey Tythus,

sorry for that. The documentation is the biggest pain point of this project until now.
I will start extending the docs soon and I'm grateful for inputs like these.

To help you out for the moment:

  • Imagine you run the project on your server that is available at http://myserver.com - then the Homepage URL should be http://myserver.com:3105 and the Callback URL would be http://myserver.com:3105/auth/github/callback.

Be sure to put the Client Secret and the Client ID into your config.js.

To start the application, you can run node server.js on your server and it should start Cloud9hub on http://myserver.com:3105.

I hope that sheds a bit of light onto your question

AVGP commented

Seeing this without activity, I will close it.
If you have further questions regarding this or somebody else hits this, please comment here.