UVES example doesn't normalise spectra correctly ("continuum" and "finalize" steps)
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regislachaume commented
After a fresh install, I've run the UVES example and uncommented all the reduction steps without any other modification. The final products has strong artifacts that seem to arise from a normalisation gone completely wrong (see attached figure).
File run: original uves_example.py
with comments removed:
import os.path
import pyreduce
from pyreduce import datasets
instrument = "UVES"
target = "HD[- ]?132205"
night = "2010-04-01"
mode = "middle"
steps = (
base_dir = datasets.UVES("/data/PyReduce")
input_dir = "raw/"
output_dir = "reduced/{night}/{mode}"
config = pyreduce.configuration.get_configuration_for_instrument(instrument, plot=1)
order_range=(1, 21),
Figure script
from matplotlib import pylab as plt
from astropy.io import fits
import numpy as np
fig = plt.figure(1)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(312)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(313)
path = '/data/PyReduce/datasets/UVES/reduced/2010-04-01/middle'
with fits.open(f'{path}/UVES.2010-04-02T09_28_05.650.science.ech') as hdus:
data = hdus[1].data
sig, spec = data['SIG'], data['SPEC']
with fits.open(f'{path}/uves.2010-04-01_0.final.ech') as hdus:
data = hdus[1].data
sig2, cont2, spec2 = data['SIG'], data['CONT'], data['SPEC']
arrays = np.load(f'{path}/uves_middle.flat_norm.npz', allow_pickle=True)
blaze = arrays['blaze']
norm = arrays['norm']
for i in range(20):
nonzero = sig[0, i, :] * spec[0, i, :] > 0
wave = np.arange(4096 * i, 4096 * (i + 1))
ax1.plot(wave[nonzero], spec[0, i, nonzero])
ax1.text(25000, 10000, 'UVES.2010-04-02T09_28_05.650.science.ech')
nonzero2 = sig2[0, i, :] * spec2[0,i,:] > 0
ax2.plot(wave[nonzero2], spec2[0, i, nonzero2], '-',
wave[nonzero2], cont2[0, i, nonzero2], 'k--')
ax2.text(25000, 10000, 'uves.2010-04-01_0.final.ech')
nonzero3 = blaze[i, :] > 0
ax3.set_ylim(0, 1.35)
ax3.plot(wave[nonzero3], blaze[i, nonzero3] / 1e7, '-',
wave[nonzero3], norm[i, nonzero3], 'k--')
ax3.text(25000, 1.15, "uves_middle.flat_norm.npz")
The result is in the attached picture.
- Top panel: extracted spectrum, where you can clearly see the impact of blaze in each order.
- Middle panel: blaze (and its normalisation)
- Bottom panel: final spectrum, which should have been normalised, i.e. spectrum should be approximately flat. If it is not normalised it should feature something similar to previous steps with a typical blaze pattern (roughly bell shaped, like both panels above) but it's not the case. (Pixel number instead of wavelength to avoid overlapping for the sake of clarity.)
- ubuntu 22.04 (Linux macondo 5.15.0-50-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 20 13:23:26 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux)
- python 3.10.6 with IPython 7.31.1 run within a virtual environment dedicated to pyreduce