
Hugo theme used in AYoonesi.github.io (Persian translation of elkan1788/hugo-theme-next)

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

I must spend some time translating this, too!

See the live preview on my blog.

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中文 | English

NexT for Hugo

This theme is base on xtfly who port it from Hexo engine, then I had do more depth optimization and renovation. With the origin NexT theme's is simple and animated, I had add many blogs ecological related servcie components, make it more perfect and easy to use. The main features as folows:

  • Multiple devices display adaptive
  • Support Chinese and English
  • Support a variety of site statistics tools, such as Baidu, Google, CNZZ, Busuanzi etc
  • Automatically generate site map, with Baidu link push SEO optimization
  • Integrate multiple comment plug-ins
  • Add plug-ins for articles to share quickly
  • Support article access statistics
  • Integrated Picture viewer
  • Custom profile page
  • Online chat IM
  • ......

With all the maintenance and upgrades, we want to see the 'NexT' theme continue to shine on the 'Hugo' engine.For the latest information about this theme, you can check the build status and new release above. Welcome to use and feedback.


The adaptability compatible with PC and different mobile devices is as follows:


Some browsers compatible with PC tests are as follows:

Coogle Chrome Firefox Safari Microsoft Edge Internet Exporler

You can also visit my blog space to preview the actual effect, please click on https://lisenhui.cn to visit.


  1. Refere to Hugo official deployment document [Installing] (https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/), and installed Hugo command on your computer;

  2. Refer to the official Git deployment documentation Install Git to install the Git command on your computer;

  3. Execute the 'Hugo new site' command to create your own site;

  4. Run the 'git init' command to initialize all the files on the site;

  5. Switch to the site of themes directory, execute git clone - recurse - submodules https://github.com/elkan1788/hugo-theme-next.git command to clone this theme;

Recommended use Gitee repository in China: git clone --recurse-submodules https://gitee.com/lisenhui/hugo-theme-next.git

  1. Copy the two directories config and content from hugo-theme-next/exampleSite to the root directory of the site;

  2. Execute hugo server to generate site services;

  3. Open your browser and enter http://localhost:1313/ in the address bar to view the effect.

Live Demo

Later, you can refer to the configuration parameters in the file in the config directory to adjust as needed to generate your own personalized site.

Markdown syntax

The default for this theme is to place Chinese articles in the post folder under zh-CN and English articles in the post folder under en. In addition, there is only one index.md file under the about folder for editing personal information.

  1. The template reference for the beginning of the article:
title: "Hello World"
url: 2020/09/11/hexo-hello-world.html
date: "2020-09-11"
  - testing
  - learn
  - Hugo
toc: true
math: true
type: about

Parameter description:

  • title: title of artilce
  • url: visit link of article
  • date: push date of article
  • tags: tag of article
  • categories: category of article
  • toc: to enable directory navigation
  • math: to enable mathematical formula parsing
  • type: Page display type
  1. For the Summary content displayed on the home page, Manual intervention can be done by using the <!--more--> label. For more information, please refer to the official document: Manual Summary Splitting


MIT License.


That was my personal hobby to improve and perfect the theme of Hugo's NexT, but I didn't expect people to be so enthusiastic. Thanks all for your support, let's witness its growth together.

The list of donors (in date order):

Donation time Donors Donation mode Donation content
2021.12.21 z*y wechat pay RMB18.88