Encephalon - Solve & Learn

Encephalon aims to demonstrate Handwritten Mathematical Expression Solver Using CNN which is capable of solving Arithmetic, logical, quadratic expression and many more extra addon features...

Python Project which Involves CNN to Solve Handwritten Mathematical Expression...

Technologies Used

  1. Python
  2. Flask
  3. OpenCV


  1. Recognizes Number & Mathematical Symbols
  2. Solves Arithmetic Expression
  3. logical
  4. Quadratic Eqn
  5. Copying Text from Images/Text Extraction from Images
  6. Integrated Quiz Game
  7. Integrated Coding Practice Platform powered by Jdoodle
  8. ChatBot, which can Answer the Question and Interact with Us...


A step by step series that tell you how to run this project

  1. Clone the project
  git clone https://github.com/AakashRanjansh/Encephalon_with_Server.git
  1. Install all the requirements
pip install -r Requirements.txt
  1. Run the Given python file.
python app.py


Main Screen

Main Screen

Encephalon AI ChatBot

Screenshot (24)

Output Videos



For support, email sahaakashranjan@proton.me or aakash@aakashranjan.tech
