
triton/tut/slurm: how does priority work?

rkdarst opened this issue · 1 comments

From a interactive question: how is priority calculated? We shouldn't go into depth but it could be mentioned in 1-2 more sentences.

This bit of history is an old write-up about it, which was deprecated some time ago as the page was redundant: (new description shouldn't be this long, but it could be a faq?)

Job priority
Triton queues are not first-in first-out, but "fairshare". This means
that every person has a priority. The more you run the lower your
user priority. As time passes, your user priority increases again.
The longer a job waits in the queue, the higher its job priority goes.
So, in the long run (if everyone is submitting an never-ending stream
of jobs), everyone will get exactly their share.
Once there are priorities, then: jobs are scheduled in order of
priority, then any gaps are backfilled with any smaller jobs that can
fit in. So small jobs usually get scheduled fast regardless.
*Warning: from this point on, we get more and more technical, if you
really want to know the details. Summary at the end.*
What's a share? Currently shares are based on department and their
respective funding of Triton (``sshare``). Shares are shared among
everyone in the department, but each person has their own priority.
Thus, for medium users, the 2-week usage of the rest of your
department can affect how fast your jobs run. However, again, things
are balanced per-user within departments. (However, one heavy user in
a department can affect all others in that department a bit too much,
we are working on this)
Your priority goes down via the "job billing": roughly time×power.
CPUs are billed at 1/s (but older, less powerful CPUs cost less!).
Memory costs .2/GB/s. But: you only get billed for the max of memory
or CPU. So if you use one CPU and all the memory (so that no one else
can run on it), you get billed for all memory but no CPU. Same for
all CPUs and little memory. This encourages balanced use. (this also
applies to GPUs).
GPUs also have a billing weight, currently tens of times higher than a
CPU billing weight for the newest GPUs. (In general all of these can
change, for the latest info see search ``BillingWeights`` in
If you submit a long job but it ends early, you are only billed for
the actual time you use (but the longer job might take longer to start
at the beginning). Memory is always billed for the full reservation
even if you use less, since it isn't shared.
The "user priority" is actually just a record how much you have
consumed lately (the billing numbers above). This number goes down
with a half-life decay of 2 weeks. Your personal priority your share
compared to that, so we get the effect described above: the more you
(or your department) runs lately, the lower your priority.
If you want your stuff to run faster, the best way is to more
accurately specify your time (may make that job can find a place
sooner) and memory (avoids needlessly wasting your priority).
While your job is pending in the queue SLURM checks those metrics
regularly and recalculates job priority constantly. If you are
interested in details, take a look at `multifactor priority plugin
<https://slurm.schedmd.com/priority_multifactor.html>`__ page (general
info) and `depth-oblivious fair-share factor
<https://slurm.schedmd.com/priority_multifactor3.html>`__ for what we
use specifically (warning: very in depth page). On Triton, you can
always see the latest billing weights in ``/etc/slurm/slurm.conf``
Numerically, job priorities range from 0 to 2^32-1. Higher is
sooner to run, but really the number doesn't mean much itself.
These commands can show you information about your user and job
.. csv-table::
:delim: |
``slurm s`` | list of jobs per user with their current priorities
``slurm full`` | as above but almost all of the job parameters are listed
``slurm shares`` | displays usage (RawUsage) and current FairShare weights (FairShare, higher is better) values for all users
``slurm j <jobid>`` | shows ``<jobid>`` detailed info including priority, requested nodes etc.
``slurm p gpu`` | # shows partition parameters incl. Priority=
tl;dr: Just select the resources you think you need, and slurm
tries to balance things out so everyone gets their share. The best
way to maintain high priority is to use resources efficiently so you
don't need to over-request.

The old text was copied here, along with more discussion. This could be linked from somewhere: