
Feature request: remote player support

Maxr1998 opened this issue · 2 comments

When using the Jellyfin webplayer, one can use other devices to remote control the current playback. As far as I understand it, it uses the WebSocket API to register a session, and receive the playback commands. There's documentation of this API on the Emby wiki.
It'd be nice if jftui could support this feature.

For the websocket implementation, LWS seems to be a nice library. libcurl might support those with some tweaking as well, don't know what'd be preferable here.

Aanok commented

I don't think this should be within the scope of jftui, generally speaking.

You'll want to look into the mpv-shim client: it's exactly what you're asking for :)

Huh, neat. Didn't know that existed. Thanks!