
App Design - Data flow diagram creation

BanjoFox opened this issue · 0 comments

This is item 5, in the Hackers Guide to Aardwolf

In order to provide better guidance for development it is sometimes useful to have visual depictions of how data flows through the system (application). While we do not necessarilly need diagrams for every detail, we should at least consider building them for the major functional parts, and anything which might need clarification.

  • What does a post look like?
  • How do we federate?
  • What data is being passed during federation
  • What would a search look like?
  • Local functions/simple DB transactions. Update records for items like profile data.

We also need to take in data from other services (PeerTube, Matrix, Photo Sharing, File storage). These are all "Stretch goals" but planing ahead does not hurt.