
Routing for web templates

BanjoFox opened this issue · 8 comments

Unfortunately I have not had enough spoons to fully understand how to route from Rocket to the full set of templates. So I figured I would post this as an issue. Plus it would be a good "beginner" issue for the Rust Community folks

  • Route to template files
  • Get tempaltes to "populate" with appropriate values (like PHP include(), as well as files in /lang

Pretty sure that the current routes in /src/aardwolf/routes/app.rs just need to be updated so that they show up on the root of the webserver and not in /web or /auth.

Also need to find out if every file in /templates needs to be listed or if there is a way to pull dynamically.

@jvalleroy - Provided a working solution!

I would like others to have a look at it before merging into master because I do not know the original intent for putting them behind /auth and /web >.>

It was really just emulating mastodon's API. /web was always a little pointless. namespacing routes under /auth might be nice if we could apply rules to a whole prefix, but I don't think rocket actually let's you do that, so I'm sure it's fine to remove the prefix

Thanks for explaining. I probably should have asked a million years ago x.X.

As for /auth prefixes I can ask in the Rocket IRC. Sergio hangs out there a lot.

Otherwise maybe @asonix knows?

@pwoolcoc -- Here is the conversation I had over in the Rocket chat room

regarding Rocket/namespaces... does this make sense?

banjofox (hopefully)
quick question: can you apply rules to a whole prefix?

Sergio (IRC)
A prefix in a URL?

yeah sorry... We're debating wether or not to use an /auth namespace,

Sergio (IRC)
You can, with fairings
But I'd recommend using request guards instead

rather... the full statement from the discussion is:
namespacing routes under /auth might be nice if we could apply rules to a whole prefix

yeah I mean request guards are a good option, and it may make logical sense to have authy things all in the same module. Whether that means they all have a prefix isn't a huge deal.

As far as Fairings, we could totally have a fairing that checks if the URL is prefixed with 'auth' and then performs some action, but honestly Sergio is right thar Request Guards would make more sense.

and sorry I didn't respond sooner, I must have missed this when you tagged me

I think we have this resolved.