3.8.3 -> 4.1 upgrade interface
cpanderson opened this issue · 4 comments
Trying to make sense of the interface filter in 4.1. It won't recognize the constant which works in 3.8.3. Example...
module MyModule
class CompileSomething < ActiveInteraction::Base
interface :params
class Params < ActiveInteraction::Base
uninitialized constant MyModule::CompileSomething::Params
This is legacy code that goes back to 2016 by another developer so there's a good chance this wasn't properly implemented in the first place but has worked until now including Rails 5 and now trying to upgrade to Rails 6.1.
Any insight would be helpful. Thanks!
@cpanderson have you tried changing the order and define class first?
module MyModule
class CompileSomething < ActiveInteraction::Base
class Params < ActiveInteraction::Base
interface :params
Thanks but no that makes no difference.
To give this case more clarity the Params class has filters that I want to validate and use and inputs into the CompileSomething. If I use the "from" argument for interface AND put the Params class above the interface statement then I can get a "is not a valid interface" error.
module MyModule
class CompileSomething < ActiveInteraction::Base
class Params < ActiveInteraction::Base
string :some_string
interface :params, from: MyModule::CompileSomething::Params
def execute
I can then do...
some_params = MyModule::CompileSomething::Params.new(some_string: "hey")
result = MyModule::CompileSomething.run(params: some_params)
but then I get the invalid interface error. The code has several places where it uses this Params pattern because some classes reference other classes Params as inputs.
The code I'm working on needs refactoring so I'm not sure how to use interface at this point. Any recommendations?
You might find success switching to object :params, class: MyModule::CompileSomething::Params
It's difficult to make other recommendations without seeing more of how it all works together.