Getting IMetaDataDispenser

Demonstrates a universal way to acquire a IMetaDataDispenser instance on .NET Framework 4.7.2 up to the latest .NET version, 7 at the time of writing.

Miniumum requirements

  • CMake 3.6.2
  • .NET 7 (Managed project targets .NET 7, but can be retargeted to .NET 6)

Initialize submodules

git submodule init

git submodule update


  1. Build native

    cmake -S . -B artifacts

    cmake --build artifacts --target install

  2. Build managed project

    dotnet build Host


Pass native binary to managed Host.

.NET 7.0


dotnet run --project Host --framework net7.0 artifacts\bin\getmddisp.dll


dotnet run --project Host --framework net7.0 artifacts/lib/

.NET Framework 4.7.2

dotnet run --project Host --framework net472 artifacts\bin\getmddisp.dll