
implement the VoxelNet with ROS, using Kitti data to test

Primary LanguagePython

Voxelnet ROS Implementation

VoxelNet Implementation codes from "https://github.com/qianguih/voxelnet"


  • python3.5+
  • TensorFlow (tested on 1.4)
  • opencv
  • shapely
  • numba
  • easydict
  • ROS
  • jsk package

Data Preparation

Download the test data: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1kxZxrjGHDmTt-9QRMd_kOA

unzip to data folder,Directory structure should be:



before run the code, you may need to install:

  • clone this repository
  • move voxelnet_ros folder to your catkin_ws
  • catkin_make
  • roscd voxelnet/script/
  • python3 voxelnet_ros.py & python3 pub_kitti_point_cloud.py
    • unfortunately, rosrun won't work. because it's using Python 3.x instead of 2.x

ROS Node

Rviz Animation

Future Work

  • Retrain the model
  • Still too slow, need more efficient implementation for the VoxelNet
  • code clean