
is mentat.ai accessing the OPENAI_API_KEY ? It looks like queries are proxied via mentat.ai

bdmorin opened this issue · 1 comments

I don't see where this app connects to openai, but it does mentat.ai, and sends THEM your openai key, so their fine tuned model is making a gpt call on your behalf....

But then they have your key.

api.mentat.ai is only used if you're using one of our finetuned models(rawdog-ft-v0.1) and it takes our own API key, not an openai key (and even if you did accidentally send us your openai API key of course we don't store it; you'll just get a 403). It's currently in beta but we're giving out API keys to anybody who wants them! You bringing this up does make me realize that it isn't very transparent that we use a different API key though, so I'll work on changing that. Thanks!