Welcome to the Songwriter Project. This Rails application is meant for songwriters to share their music and connect with listeners. Components will include song uploads, chord charts, a blog, comments, and an admin dashboard to make it easy for the site owner to add and update music and articles.
The project uses:
Ruby version 2.0.0-p0
Rails 4.0.4
Paperclip to manage file attachments
Amazon’s S3 storage for file attachments
Devise to manage users
Rspec for unit and integration tests (Run full suite with “bundle exec rspec”)
Deployment Steps:
Create config/database.yml and add your database information
Use config/template_for_application.yml to create a config/application.yml with your credentials
Install bundler
Bundle install
Bundle exec rake db:create
Bundle exec rake db:migrate
Optional: Add an admin, songs, or articles to db/seeds.rb and run bundle exec rake db:seed
If you have not done so already, create an admin via the command line or the console
Bundle exec rake secret (to create a new secret token)
Test Notes:
See comments in config/environments/test.rb for info on configuring file storage for tests