- 1
Recompilation of the Rider plugin is required
#41 opened by poksh - 0
- 1
`Fill with mock` with primary constructor.
#38 opened by Socolin - 8
A lot of exceptions in Rider 2023.3 EAP*
#37 opened by ArtManyak - 3
Version Missmatch
#35 opened by HJLuecking - 6
A lot of exceptions in Rider 2023.2 EAP*
#33 opened by ArtManyak - 2
Incompatible with R# 2023.1
#32 opened by MorganVergara - 3
A lot of exceptions in Rider 2022.2 EAP*
#30 opened by mfilippov - 3
- 1
- 9
ReSharper/Rider 2021.3
#27 opened by matkoch - 2
ReSharper and MoqComplete versioning
#22 opened by square-unit - 6
Problems installing MoqComplete in Rider 2021.2
#25 opened by zetroot - 2
Plugin 'MoqComplete' (version '1.4.8') is not compatible. Requires build 211.*
#24 opened by inyutin-maxim - 5
Null resolve context
#23 opened by tutushkin - 1
Rider 2021 EAP support
#21 opened by fearhq - 1
Privacy terms (readme)
#20 opened by sandrock - 5
Automapper IMapper stops Fill with Mocks
#19 opened by andychin7777 - 4
Fill with mock doesn't work ?
#16 opened by paudebert - 2
Support R#/Rider 2020.3
#17 opened by inyutin-maxim - 2
Plugin 'MoqComplete' (version 'null') is not compatible with the current version of the IDE
#15 opened by gustavomassa - 0
Source code license?
#14 opened by SuddenGunter - 2
Support Rider EAP 203
#13 opened by rcdailey - 3
- 5
Fill with Mock Local
#11 opened by Mike-E-angelo - 1
Add More description in Readme
#10 opened by rampage64 - 6
Automatically suggest plugin in Rider
#9 opened by van800 - 0
Support R#/Rider 2020.1
#7 opened by inyutin-maxim - 3
Supporting Moq.AutoMock
#5 opened by inyutin-maxim - 0
Update for 2019.3
#4 opened by lconstan - 2
AutoComplete is broken again
#3 opened by maartenkools - 2
- 3
Add ReSharper 2019.1 support
#1 opened by OmiCron07