
SWIFTUI + Combine +TCA Architecture

Primary LanguageSwift

General Information


  • clone the app, or download the from Drive
  • resolve package versions
  • run the app on a simulator or phone
  • give app location permission to be able to see the distance between you and jobs (choose always allow location while using the app)
  • you may need to restart the app after giving location permission

Installation TroubleShooting

  • if all jobs distanc show 12.km this means app did not get your location try :

    • Restart the app
    • select always allow while using app on location pop
    • Restart the app again , then enjoy
  • if packages not resolved try the following

    • File -> Packages -> Reset Package cache
    • File -> Packages -> resolve Package versions
    • if still not building, try to remove the Reference of ServiceFrameWork and its container Packages
    • re-add ServiceFrameWork again
    • make sure to link it to the main target by selecting Target - > under General tab -> Frameworks , Libraries and Embedded Content -> plus icon

App Structure

ServiceFrameWork :

SDK Networking service, and it has the following sub Folders

Shared: have common helpers for all modules e.g Client, EndPoint Modules: have each module services and stores, for now, it has only ShiftsListModule

Asssement : The App Target

it has the following structure

Utilities: has all helpers for the projects, like :

  • Extention : has all classes extensions e.g Date+
  • Refreshable : helper to support `iOS 15 list refreshable modifier for iOS 14
  • ImageLoader : image loader class to mimic iOS 15 AsyncImage class for iOS 14
  • ReusableViews : has General UI component e.g ActionButton , PrimaryButtonView

Resources: Centralized place for all resources that are required by all views.

  • Styling : has fonts , colors , spacing
  • Images: has system images, and custom images used
  • Localization: has all strings localized, now it's only English

Modules: App Scences Modules.

  • AppModule: App Parent module in which dependencies are initialized and injected to child module
  • ShiftsListModule: The only Module for now, has all presentation logic for shiftsList Scene