
An opinionated command-line interface for Canvas

Primary LanguagePython

Make tomorrow's class visible on Canvas

python -m src.cli -v -t

Download all assignment files and run autograder

python -m src.cli assignment -cn 'Week 01 Assignment' -download -nbn "one" -autograde

Grade in-class assignment based on participation

python -m src.cli grade -participation -assignment_id 1623528 where 1623528 is Canvas assignment ID

Make an in-class participation assignment for tomorrow

python -m src.cli -t assignment -participation

Make a quiz for tomorrow

python -m src.cli -t -quiz


  1. pip install canvasapi
  2. You will need to set up a Canvas access token, and save the access token in an environment variable called CANVAS_TOKEN
  3. You will need an .ini file for your course. There are a few ini files in this repo that you can copy and modify.
    • The ini file should be called <courseno><S|F><year>.ini. For instance, the ini file for the spring version of the class 2301 in 2021 is 2301S2021.ini.

This tool uses gspread to integrate with Google sheets. Follow these steps to enable access for a 'service account/bot'. Be sure to share the sheet with the email in the credentials.

Semester naming conventions

S = Spring V = Summer (verano) F = Fall