functions.js is a hub of various functions or methods which act differently according to their functionality.
- Please feel free to contribute, read the contributing guide.
- The code is written in ES6.
The project is up on npm and can be used in a project by:
npm install --save functions.js
Below is an example on how to use the library into your projects.
const func = require('functions.js');
//returns 'he********'
console.log(func.MathFunc.EuclideanDistance([3,4,5], [8,7,9]));
//returns '7.0710678118654755'
//returns '[25,14,98,32,100,65,17]'
//returns 'true'
Method Name | Category | Description | Return Type |
average(arr) |
math | Calculates the average of an array | number |
binarySearch(arr, elem) |
algorithm | Search an element using binary search tehcnique | number(position) |
bubbleSort(arr) |
algorithm | Sort an array using bubble sort technique | array |
camelize(str) |
string | Camelize a string i.e CamelCase | string |
changeBase(number, original, final) |
math | Convert a base of a number to any base. | number |
chunk(arr, size) |
math | Split array into chunks of smaller arrays of the desired size. | array |
clamp(number, min, max) |
math | Clamp a number. | number |
collatz(number) |
algortihm | Collatz Algorithm. | number |
combination(number,rep) |
math | Calculates simple combination. | number |
concat(...arrs) |
algorithm | Concatenates into a single array. | arr |
countPrimeFactors(n) |
math | A function to count all prime factors of a given number. | number |
countVowels(str) |
string | Count the number of vowels in a string. | number |
degToRad(deg) |
math | Convert degrees to radians. | number |
differenceBetweenDates(date1, date2) |
math | Simple division function which returns an array of quotient & remainder. | array |
division(dividend, divisor) |
math | Simple division function which returns an array of quotient & remainder. | array |
doublefactorial(n) |
math | Print semi-factorial or double factorial of number using the iterative approach. | number |
escape(str) |
string | Escape characters from string | string |
euclideanDistance(initial, final) |
math | Calculates the distance between two points in any plane. initial takes an array of initial points & final takes an array of final points. | number |
evenOrOdd(number) |
math | Number is even or odd | boolean |
factorialRecursive(n) |
math | Print factorial of a number using recursive function approach. | number |
factorialIterative(n) |
math | Print factorial of a number using iterative approach. | number |
factorialOneLine(n) |
math | Print factorial of a number using a ternary operator. | number |
factCountTrailingZeroes(n) |
math | Print the count of trailing zeroes in n!. | number |
fibRecursion(n) |
math | Print nth fibonacci number using recursion. | number |
fibDynamic(n) |
math | Print nth fibonacci number using dynamic programming approach. | number |
filter(arr, elem) |
string | Filter out an element from an array | array |
filterFalsy(arr) |
string | Filter out falsy values from an array | array |
fisherYates(arr) |
math | Shuffle an array using the Fisher Yates Algorithm using a while loop. | array |
fizzBuzz(n) |
algorithm | FizzBuzz Algorithm: most famous asked question. | string |
flatten(arr, givenArr) |
algorithm | Flatten/Merge two arrays. | array |
gcd(numb1, numb2) |
math | Calculate the greatest common divisor among the two numbers using Euclideans algorithm. | number |
generateHexColor() |
string | Generate random hex color. | string |
generateRGBColor() |
string | Generate random RGB color. | string |
guid(len) |
string | Generate a Global Unique Identifier | string |
hammingDistance(number1, number2) |
math | Calculate hamming distance. | number |
hasAtleastOneUpperCaseLetter(str) |
string | String has atleast one upper-cased letter. | boolean |
hasAtleastOneLowerCaseLetter(str) |
string | String has atleast one lower-cased letter. | boolean |
hexToRgb(hex) |
string | Converts hex color to RGB. | array |
humanizeNumber(num) |
string | Humanize a number. | string |
insertionSort(arr) |
algorithm | Sort an array using the insertion sort technique. | array |
isASCII(str) |
string | String contains ASCII characters | boolean |
isBool(str) |
string | String contains true or false | boolean |
isDataURI(str) |
string | String is a data uri format. | boolean |
isEmpty(str) |
string | String is empty. | boolean |
isEndWith(str, target) |
string | String ends with target. | boolean |
isEquals(str, elem) |
string | Compares the two strings entered. | boolean |
isHexaDecimal(str) |
string | String is hexadecimal. | boolean |
isHexColor(str) |
string | String is a hex color. | boolean |
isIPAddress(str) |
string | String is an IP address. | boolean |
isLowerCase(str) |
string | String is all lower-cased. | boolean |
isMACAddress(str) |
string | String is a MAC Address. | boolean |
isMD5(str) |
string | String is a a MD5 type. | boolean |
initials(str) |
string | Get the initials of a persons name. | string |
ISO8601WeekNumber(dateObj) |
string | Get ISO-8601 week number of a year. | number |
isPalindrome(str) |
string | String is a palindrome. | boolean |
isUpperCase(str) |
string | String is all upper-cased. | boolean |
isValidEmail(str) |
string | String is a valid email id. | boolean |
kebabCase(str) |
string | to Kebab Case. | string |
lcm(arr) |
math | Calculate LCM of an array of numbers | number |
linearSearch(arr, elem) |
algorithm | Search an element using linear search technique | number(position) |
maxOrMin(arr, task) |
math | Get maximum or minimum of an array | number |
median(arr) |
math | Calculate median of a sorted number array | number |
modularExponential(base, power, mod) |
algorithm | Modular Exponential Algorithm | number |
nthRoot(number, n) |
math | Calculates the nth root of a positive number | number |
nthLargest(arr, nth) |
algorithm | Find the nth largest number from an unsorted array | number |
permutation(num,rep) |
math | Calculates simple permutation. | number |
pythagorasDistance(arg1, arg2) |
math | Calculate the pythogorean distance if arg1 and arg2 are 2 sides of a right-angled triangle. | number |
radToDeg(rad) |
math | Convert radians to degrees | number |
remove(arr) |
algorithm | Remove an element from an array | arr |
removeTags(str) |
string | Remove tags from an HTML statement | string |
reverse(arr) |
algorithm | Reverse an array | arr |
rgbToHex(red,green,blue) |
string | RGB to Hex format | string |
romanize(num) |
string | Romanize a number | string |
secureEmail(str) |
string | Secures your email using asterisks | string |
securePassword(str) |
string | Secure password using astrisks | string |
segregate(arr) |
algorithm | Segregate 0's and 1's in an array | array |
selectionSort(arr) |
algorithm | Sort an array using the selection sort technique | arr |
slopeOfALine(arg) |
math | Calculates the slope of a line using points and angle of inclination. arg takes angle of inclination or an array of initial points and final points. Example arg = 60 degrees or [x0,y0,x1,y1] | number |
snakeCase(str) |
string | to Snake Case | string |
sortChar(str) |
string | Sort string characters in alphabetical order | string |
splitName(str) |
string | Return the first name and the last name of a person's name. | array |
stringHammingDistance(str1, str2) |
string | String Hamming Distance | number |
subtract(firstNum, secondNum) |
math | Subtract a number from another | number |
sumOfArray(arr) |
math | Addition of all the integers in an array | number |
thousandSeperator(num) |
string | Seperate thousands using commas | number |
truncate(str,pos) |
string | Truncate a string at provided position | string |
uuid() |
string | Generate a UUID i.e universally unique identifier. | number |
zeroFill(number, len) |
string | Zerofill a number to the given length. | number |
The project is a continuation to a package previously owned by me named okay-string. I thought of renaming it to functions & learn more by actually practicing functions. That's how functions.js
was created.😍
Here are some solutions to frequently asked questions:
Take a look over here.
These two libraries are industry standards & are widely used. They have a ton of great, useful functions to use in a project. There is a difference. functions.js was created to learn predefined methods and make something out of it by creating a new method. So i think there is no comparison between this & the other two libraries.
Read the guidelines mentioned here
The project is licensed under MIT