
This will help in visualizing different path-finding algorithms.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hello Everyone !!
Welcome to my Path-Finder-Visualizer where I have tried implementing various algorithms using Html canvas and vanilla javascript.

The Project is hosted at Path-finding-Visualizer

Tech Used

  • HTML5
  • HTML Canvas
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap
  • Vanilla Javascript

Website Demo


Green Color The Start Node

Red Color The Finish/End Node

Purple Color The Wall Node/obstacle

Golden Color The Nodes that are currently being visited

Dark Green Color The Final Path


Here resides various algorithms that can be visualized.
Algorithms implemented currently

  • Dijkstra
  • Breadth-First-Search
  • Depth-First-Search
  • A* (Euclid heuristic)
  • A* (Manhatan heuristic)
  • Bidirectional Dijkstra


Certain Techniques to create Mazes.

  • Simple
  • Recursive division
  • Recursive division (Horizontal - Vertical)


Basically clears the canvas so that we can create new Nodes and walls.


The + is used to increase the cell width which makes the canvas more bigger.

The - is used to decrease the cell width so that more cells can be accomodated.


  • The position of startNode and finishNode can be changed by simply clicking on it.

  • For given generated nodes clicking on any algorithm resets the visited nodes and path without changing the configuration of walls and starts running the algorithm.

