
Mock Amrita Hostel Management System(AHMS) API for the RTE Android Workshop

Primary LanguagePython

Mock Amrita Hostel Management System(AHMS) API 🏫

This is very minimilistic mock ahms API. It is live and can be found at here.

⚠️ This API has been created for teaching purposes only.

API Documentation

GET all results


GET result based on Student ID


⚠️ Add required Student ID value after ?student_id=

💥 The API currently only provides data for 8 students, i.e 18001 to 18008

GET result based on stay back


⚠️ Add required has_stayback value after ?has_stayback=

💥 has_stayback only takes boolean values, i.e either 1 or 0

Some useful Git Commands

  1. Viewing the status of your repostory

    git status

    This command will show the current status of your repository

  2. Adding (Staging) files to git

    git add -A

    ⚠️ This command will add all modified and untracted files.

  3. Commiting a file

    git commit -m "YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE"

    ⚠️ Replace YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE with a suitable commit message.

  4. Uploading/pushing your files to a remote repository

    git push origin master

    ⚠️ The above command will push/upload all your files to the master branch of your repository.

⭐ To know more on Git, please have a look here.