
Convert typed text to realistic handwriting!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Convert typed text to realistic handwriting

All Contributors


License: MIT


🌐 handwritten.js


For browsers:

<script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alias-rahil/handwritten.js/master/docs/handwritten.js"></script>

This will expose the latest version of handwritten.js as a global variable called handwritten which you can start using right away. Check the contents of docs/ folder for a simple implementation. For other versions, install the required version with npm and use browserify to compile it. Optionally, use babel-minify to compress the bundled javascript file.

For nodejs projects:

npm install handwritten.js


yarn add handwritten.js

Install globally:

npm install handwritten.js -g


yarn global add handwritten.js

Note: DO NOT use sudo to install global packages! The correct way is to tell npm where to install its global packages: npm config set prefix ~/.local. Make sure ~/.local/bin is added to PATH.


For nodejs projects:

const handwritten = require('handwritten.js')
const fs = require('fs')
const rawtext = "Hello, world!"
handwritten(rawtext).then((converted) => {

CLI usage with npx:

npx handwritten.js -f "path/to/inputfile.txt" -o "path/to/outputfile.pdf"

Note: Use this method only if you plan to use handwritten.js for one time, installing handwritten.js globally (see-below) is recommended for multiple time usages.

CLI usage after installing globally:

handwritten.js -f "path/to/inputfile.txt" -o "path/to/outputfile.pdf"


Command line

handwritten.js -f path/to/inputfile.txt -o path/to/outputfile.pdf
handwritten.js -f path/to/inputfile.txt -o path/to/outputfile.pdf --ruled
handwritten.js -f path/to/inputfile.txt -o path/to/outputfolder --images png

Check --help or --version option for more details.

In code

handwritten(rawtext, { ruled: true })
handwritten(rawtext, { outputtype: "jpeg/buf" })
handwritten(rawtext, { ruled: true, outputtype: "jpeg/b64" })

Default outputtype: "pdf". Supported output types are: pdf, jpeg/buf, jpeg/b64, png/buf and png/b64. If the output type is set to pdf, it returns a promise that will resolve in a pdfkit document instance. Else it will return a promise that will resolve in an array containing the buffer or base64 value of the images according to the output type provided.




👤 Rahil Kabani rahil.kabani.4@gmail.com

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🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page.

handwritten.js only supports English letters. I am not planning to add support for other languages for now. Please do not any more make issues about this. However, I will merge pull requests if any. See the issue #18 for more details.


GDGVIT/HandWriter - For the cleaned dataset.


🏠 Homepage



Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Rahil Kabani

💻 📖 🚧

Anthony Ng


Ben Junya

💻 📖

Harsh SInghal

💻 🚧



Ashikka Gupta

💻 🚧

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!