
Clean coverted Jupyter notebook from Pluto.jl notebooks

Primary LanguagePython


I also have written blogs to accompany this:

Thanks to fonsp for pluto-jl-jupyter-conversion

This repository contains code to clean the Jupyter notebooks converted from Pluto.jl using: pluto-jl-jupyter-conversion

The original conversion from pluto to jupyter makes even the the markdown cells as code cells. This utility can be used to clean them.


  1. Use pluto-jl-jupyter-conversion to convert the Pluto.jl notebook to a Ipython notebook.

  2. Clone repo:

    git clone https://github.com/Abhiswain97/pluto-jl-jupyter-conversion-cleaner.git
    cd pluto-jl-jupyter-conversion-cleaner
  3. Install all the requirements:

    For windows: run.bat
    For Linux: sh run.sh

  4. Use it: python cleaner.py --path <your .ipynb file path>


python cleaner.py --help

Note: The converted file is saved as file-name-cleaned.ipynb


Checkout examples for the demo.
The converted and cleaned file in the example is also made into a blog post using fastpages, check it out Logistic regression with a neural network mindset