QGC Images collector

  1. Retrieve Image Paths:

    QStringList getImagePaths(const QString& libraryPath)
        QDir libraryDir(libraryPath);
        QStringList nameFilters;
        nameFilters << "*.jpg" << "*.jpeg" << "*.png"; // Add more formats if needed
        QStringList imagePaths = libraryDir.entryList(nameFilters, QDir::Files);
        for (auto& imagePath : imagePaths) {
            imagePath = libraryDir.filePath(imagePath);
        return imagePaths;
  2. Extract Image Metadata:

    QString getImageLocation(const QString& imagePath)
        // Use a library like QtExif to extract GPS coordinates or geotags from the image metadata
        // For example:
        QExifImageHeader header(imagePath);
        double latitude = header.latitude();
        double longitude = header.longitude();
        // Return the location information as a string or as a custom struct
        return QString("%1, %2").arg(latitude).arg(longitude);
  3. Add Image Thumbnails to the Map:

    • In the Map class, create a new QML component or widget to display the image thumbnails. You can define a custom QML component and register it with the QML engine, or create a custom widget in C++.
    • For example, in C++:
      class ImageThumbnail : public QObject
          explicit ImageThumbnail(const QString& imagePath, const QString& location, QObject* parent = nullptr)
              : QObject(parent), m_imagePath(imagePath), m_location(location) {}
          Q_PROPERTY(QString imagePath READ imagePath CONSTANT)
          Q_PROPERTY(QString location READ location CONSTANT)
          QString imagePath() const { return m_imagePath; }
          QString location() const { return m_location; }
          QString m_imagePath;
          QString m_location;
    • Then, in the Map class, create instances of the ImageThumbnail class for each image and expose them to QML for rendering on the map.

I hope these code snippets give you a starting point for implementing the desired functionality. Remember to adapt them to fit your specific requirements and integrate them into the existing AirosMissionControl codebase.

In the project, the class responsible for rendering the map is located in the src/QmlControls/Map directory. The main class responsible for map rendering is MapContainer.qml. This QML file defines the visual representation of the map and handles interactions with the map view.

Here is an overview of the relevant files in the Map directory:

  1. MapContainer.qml: This is the main QML file responsible for rendering the map. It defines the MapContainer component, which contains the map view and handles user interactions, such as panning and zooming. You can modify this file to add the image thumbnail functionality.

  2. MapTileSource.qml: This file defines the tile source for the map, specifying the source URL and properties of the map tiles.

  3. MapViewport.qml: This file handles the rendering of the map view and manages the display of map elements like waypoints, vehicle positions, and flight paths.

  4. MapPositionIndicator.qml: This component renders the vehicle position on the map, typically represented by an icon or marker.

These files represent the key components involved in rendering the map in AirosMissionControl. You can explore and modify these files to add your desired image thumbnail functionality to the map view.

To add the functionality of displaying image thumbnails on the map in AirosMissionControl, you will need to modify the MapContainer.qml file, which is located in the src/QmlControls/Map directory.

In MapContainer.qml, you can add the necessary code to handle the image thumbnail display. Here's a general outline of the steps you can follow:

  1. Import the required modules and define any necessary variables or properties:
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtLocation 5.15

Item {
    // ...

    // Define variables or properties for image thumbnail data

    // ...
  1. Create a custom QML component or item for displaying the image thumbnails:
Item {
    id: imageThumbnailContainer

    // ...

    // Define the item properties, such as position, size, and appearance

    // ...
  1. Retrieve image paths, extract metadata, and associate thumbnails with map positions:
function loadImages() {
    var imagePaths = getImagePathsFromLocalLibrary(); // Implement this function to retrieve the image paths
    for (var i = 0; i < imagePaths.length; i++) {
        var imagePath = imagePaths[i];
        var location = getImageLocation(imagePath); // Implement this function to extract the image metadata
        var thumbnailItem = createThumbnailItem(imagePath, location); // Implement this function to create the thumbnail item
        mapContainer.addMapItem(thumbnailItem, location); // Implement this function to add the thumbnail item to the map at the specific location

function getImagePathsFromLocalLibrary() {
    // Implement this function to retrieve the image paths from the local library
    // Return an array of image paths

function getImageLocation(imagePath) {
    // Implement this function to extract the image metadata and retrieve the image location
    // Return the image location as a QtPositioning.coordinate object or a custom structure

function createThumbnailItem(imagePath, location) {
    // Implement this function to create the thumbnail item, which can be an Image or custom item
    // Set the necessary properties, such as source, size, position, etc.
    // Return the created thumbnail item
  1. Call the loadImages function to load and display the image thumbnails on the map:
Component.onCompleted: {

Please note that the code provided above is a general guideline, and you will need to adapt it to fit your specific requirements. You may need to define additional properties, handle interactions with the thumbnails, and adjust the appearance and behavior to match your desired implementation.

Remember to test your changes and ensure they integrate correctly with the existing AirosMissionControl codebase.