
'merge_sort::merge()' crashes with double-free for `T: Drop`

JOE1994 opened this issue · 4 comments

we (Rust group @sslab-gatech) found a memory-safety/soundness issue in this crate while scanning Rust code on crates.io for potential vulnerabilities.

Issue Description

The implementation of merge_sort::merge() freely duplicates ownership of items from list, and invokes drop of the duplicated items via list[k] = ...

Also, panic within compare() can trigger double-free of items whose ownership was duplicated via .read().

fn merge<T: Debug, F>(list: &mut [T], start: usize, mid: usize, end: usize, compare: &F)
F: Fn(&T, &T) -> bool,
let mut left = Vec::with_capacity(mid - start + 1);
let mut right = Vec::with_capacity(end - mid);
unsafe {
let mut start = start;
while start <= mid {
left.push(get_by_index(list, start as isize).read());
start += 1;
while start <= end {
right.push(get_by_index(list, start as isize).read());
start += 1;
let mut left_index = 0;
let mut right_index = 0;
let mut k = start;
unsafe {
while left_index < left.len() && right_index < right.len() {
if compare(&left[left_index], &right[right_index]) {
list[k] = get_by_index(&left, left_index as isize).read();
left_index += 1;
} else {
list[k] = get_by_index(&right, right_index as isize).read();
right_index += 1;
k += 1;
while left_index < left.len() {
list[k] = get_by_index(&left, left_index as isize).read();
left_index += 1;
k += 1;
while right_index < right.len() {
list[k] = get_by_index(&right, right_index as isize).read();
right_index += 1;
k += 1;


Below is an example program that exhibits undefined behavior using safe APIs of algorithmica. Simply calling merge_sort::sort() on an array of T: Drop triggers

Show Detail

use algorithmica::sort::merge_sort::sort;

fn main() {
    let mut arr = vec![

    // Calling `merge_sort::sort` on an array of `T: Drop` triggers double drop
    algorithmica::sort::merge_sort::sort(&mut arr);


free(): double free detected in tcache 2

Terminated with signal 6 (SIGABRT)

Tested Environment

  • Crate: algorithmica
  • Version: 0.1.8
  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
  • Rustc version: rustc 1.50.0 (cb75ad5db 2021-02-10)

Heads up: this issue has been included in the RustSec advisory database. It will be surfaced by tools such as cargo-audit or cargo-deny from now on.

Once a fix is released to crates.io, please open a pull request to update the advisory with the patched version, or file an issue on the advisory database repository.

yvt commented

Why was this issue closed?

This still reproduces with the given test case using the current release on crates.io (algorithmica 0.1.9) or the current Git master (e066a5e). Please reopen.

@yvt, It is closed by mistake.