
08 - 02 - Currency Converter

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In this assignment, you will create a React application that will convert various currencies.

For the data, you will use the API available here


  • Work with an API to display data
  • Work with React
  • Work with the React lifecycle (componentDidMount with classes or useEffect with hooks)


Explorer Mode

  • Create a page that loads and shows the current currency conversion rates.
  • Design the page yourself or use utility CSS libraries like: Bootstrap or Bulma or Tailwind
  • Use USD as the base currency.
  • Allow the user to enter a currency amount (allow for decimal amounts like 42.12) in USD.
  • Show the converted amount in each of the available currencies.
    • Either update as the user types or include a button that performs the conversion when clicked.

Adventure Mode

  • Allow the user to choose a new base currency other than USD.
  • Allow the user to use a specific day in the past.
    • HINT
    • Fetch the conversion rates for that day.
    • Show the updated conversion rates and converted amount.

Epic Mode

  • Use react router to allow the user to specify the base currency in the URL

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