
02 - 02 C# Iteration - Working with LINQ

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Learning programming takes practice and the best practice is repetition. This
exercise will allow you time to work on the basics of .NET and how to apply that
logic to solving problems.


After completing this assignment, you should be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of iteration/enumeration


  1. Fork this repository to
    your own account.
  2. Change into your projects directory:
  3. Clone your repository:
    git clone https://github.com/YOUR_NAME_HERE/net-iteration
  4. Change into your project's directory: cd net-iteration
  5. Install the dependencies: dotnet restore
  6. Open in your editor: code .
  7. Start the test runner: dotnet watch test
  8. Open Iterations.cs and work on functions until the test passes. Once you
    are done with a test you can move to the next one by removing the
    (Skip = "Remove to run test") from the Fact attribute. There are a total
    of 10 questions.
  9. Commit and push your work to GitHub.
  10. Turn in the URL to your GitHub repo.

Explorer Mode

  • All tests passing
  • No linter warnings
  • Turn in the homework using the URL to your repository on GitHub.

Additional Resources

Reference the documentation to find what kind of helpful functions
might already be in C#.

This is great work.

Just know you do not have to put the results in a variable just to return the variable.

            var newList = words.Select(word => word.ToUpper());
            return newList;

can be

            return words.Select(word => word.ToUpper());

Your homework 02 - 02 C# Iteration - Working with LINQ was marked: Meets Expectations


— via Jason L Perry