
Implementations of more models?

Hao-666 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, I am wondering could this library provide implementations of more models like TransR, RotatE etc.? The implemented models now seem a little bit limited and therefore the comparison between more models cannot be conducted in it. This library is handy and awesome, really want to conduct tasks in it:). Thanks.

We have an implementation of RotatE on a branch (feature/8), however, since with our implementation, we couldnt reproduce the performance as reported in the paper we have not merged it with master.

Hi @sumitpai

Thanks for your reply. So are the implementations of more models in the plan?

None for now. We have not come across any new models which show considerable performance improvements on the standard datasets.

Do you have any suggestions and reason to include them? When we plan to add more, we will definitely consider them.

@sumitpai I see. Thanks.

Not actually, just wondering :)