
Not able to compile rubeus after obfuscation

G0ne opened this issue · 3 comments

G0ne commented

VS version: 2022 CE

Command line: .\Codecepticon.exe --action obfuscate --module csharp --verbose --path "C:\path\to\Tools\Rubeus\Rubeus.sln" --map-file "C:\path\to\Tools\Rubeus\Obfuscated-Mapping.html" --precompile --profile rubeus --rename ncefpav --rename-method markov --markov-min-length 3 --markov-max-length 9 --markov-min-words 3 --markov-max-words 4 --string-rewrite --string-rewrite-method xor

When I try to compile rubeus, this is the error I get:

Error CS0103 The name 'ConfidenceFactor' does not exist in the current context Rubeus C:\path\to \Rubeus\Rubeus\lib\math\PrimeGeneratorBase.cs 18


ps: compiling rubeus without obfuscation works fine


It appears that you are trying to compile the solution under Debug mode. When Codecepticon opens a project for obfuscation it does so by setting it to Release mode, therefore it will miss those IDE conditional statements.

I've just tested your command with the latest & greatest version and compiling under Release worked.


G0ne commented

Thanks, i compiled it! But if I try to run the .exe generated nothing happens

G0ne commented

nvm! it works fine, my bad