
Certify not accepting commands

vivekaom opened this issue · 2 comments

Built an obfuscated version of Certify, but none of the commands work. When running the tool only the banner and menu are displayed:
Certify\Certify\bin\Release>BinateInfurAuli.exe polytenonnaidsnonpage /ambroaistismacraf

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Find information about all registered CAs:

/ Certify.exe cas [/ca:SERVER\ca-name | /domain:domain.local | /ldapserver:server.domain.local | /path:CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local] [/hideAdmins] [/showAllPermissions] [/skipWebServiceChecks] [/quiet]

Find all enabled certificate templates:

/ Certify.exe find [/ca:SERVER\ca-name | /domain:domain.local | /ldapserver:server.domain.local | /path:CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local] [/quiet]

The Codecepticon command issued is below:
Codecepticon.exe --module csharp --action obfuscate --verbose --path "C:\stuff\Certify\Certify.sln" --map-file "C:\stuff\Certify\map.html" --profile certify --rename all --rename-method markov --markov-min-length 4 --markov-max-length 8 --markov-min-words 3 --markov-max-words 4 --string-rewrite --string-rewrite-method file --string-rewrite-extfile "C:\stuff\Certify\debug.log" [17:07:07] Codecepticon v1.2.2 is starting... [17:07:07] Training Markov Generator... [17:07:10] Getting Visual Studio Instance [17:07:10] Creating MSBuild Workspace [17:07:12] Loading solution: C:\Users\djrig\OneDrive\Desktop\Certify\Certify.sln [17:07:16] Finished loading solution

Any information about what might be missing would be very much appreciated.
Thank you!

Sorry for the delay, I'll have a closer look at this when I find some downtime