
No rename or rewrite parameters set.

qing-root opened this issue · 3 comments

Very good project, but I seem to be running into some parameter issues

Codecepticon.exe --action obfuscate --module csharp --verbose --debug --path "C:\Users\xxx\xxx.sln" --precompile --build --build-path "C:\Users\xxx\ --profile sharpview --rename nefpavso --rename-method random --rename-charset lower --rename-length 1 --string-rewrite --string-rewrite-method xor
[20:54:46] Codecepticon v1.2.2 is starting...
[20:54:46] No rename or rewrite parameters set.
[20:54:46] Could not parse command line.

He reminds me of the lack of rename and rewrite parameters, but I clearly provide them in the command line. Please help me, thank you

Can you try without the --precompile --build --build-path "C:\Users\xxx\" and let me know if that works?

Can you try without the --precompile --build --build-path "C:\Users\xxx\" and let me know if that works?

without --precompile --build --build-path "C:\Users\xxx" is work


Thanks, at least we have a workaround until I fix this!