Adding a menu-command 'Debug'.
Closed this issue · 2 comments
EricSmekens commented
Currently looking into a possiblity to run the a node file in debug mode, and starting node-inspector and chrome with it.
COuld that be usefull?
Currently investigating if it's do-able for me.
Edit1: ALmost done, only looking for a way to open browser.
Acconut commented
As long as you don't need to read from stdin or create a REPL it's possible with brackets-nodejs' structure.
Else I had to implement tty.js but I don't want to.
EricSmekens commented
Hmmm, it's possible, but it will use the default browser. Node-inspector only works on Chrome and Opera.
Brackets also has the possibility to open Chrome, but they use native code for that I think.