
unable to install previously published versions of my package

priestj opened this issue · 2 comments

I've been publishing packages to the registry, but noticed that I'm unable to install pervious versions, as they don;t seem to exist. I can view them in Artifactory but doing something like npm install my-package@0.1.2 does not work? where as npm install my-package@0.1.3 works just fine as it is the latest.

I am simply using 'npm publish', sorry but am I missing something, do I need to add some sort of additional tag etc?

It may be a bug, what do the meta files in artifactory look like? There should be one at root level of the project and another inside the version

Ah, I have one meta file at the root, in the _meta folder. But there are no meta files in any of the versions, only the tgz file...

  • my-module
    • 0.1.22
      • my-module-0.1.22.tgz
    • 0.1.23
      • my-module-0.1.23.tgz
    • _meta
      • metadata.json

The sanitised metadata file looks something like...

    "_id": "my-module",
    "name": "my-module",
    "description": "This folder contains the javascript files for the application.",
    "dist-tags": {
        "latest": "0.1.23"
    "versions": {
        "0.1.23": {
            "name": "my-module",
            "version": "0.1.23",
            "scripts": {
                "install": "node install.js"
            "dependencies": {
                "shelljs": "^0.3.0"
            "devDependencies": {
                "reallycoolmodule": "^1.3.12"
            "gitHead": "b1f346f24c9475d32d1a5c9217045e7d0ae16980",
            "readme": "Blah, blah",
            "readmeFilename": "",
            "description": "This folder contains the javascript files for the application.",
            "_id": "my-module@0.1.23",
            "_shasum": "89f8439587970de6f1aae122a1ec98967ac172f5",
            "_from": ".",
            "_npmVersion": "1.4.28",
            "_npmUser": {
                "name": "me",
                "email": ""
            "maintainers": [
                    "name": "me",
                    "email": ""
            "dist": {
                "shasum": "89f8439587970de6f1aae122a1ec98967ac172f5",
                "tarball": "http://ourserver/my-module/-/my-module-0.1.23.tgz"
    "readme": "blah, blah",
    "maintainers": [
            "name": "me",
            "email": ""
    "_attachments": {},
    "_rev": "1-4eb3ab9228f73422b51f2b2e8fb5e277",
    "time": {}