
Cluster folder wiping on reboots

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When re-pulling the image and restarting the container via docker compose, the cluster folder gets wiped.
Additionally, when i upload items to the obelisk, even searching the folders when connected to the container i cannot see where they go, they are not in the cluster folder and i could not find them anywhere else.

I have no issue with the other folders, i'm able to configure the game.ini and GameUserSettings.ini files just fine and they do not get affected by this. however the cluster folder gets entirely wiped each restart.

Here is my docker-compose.yaml file:

version: '2.4'

    build: .
    image: acekorneya/asa_server:latest
    container_name: asa_island_pvp
    restart: unless-stopped
      - PUID=1000             
      - PGID=1000           
      - MAP_NAME=TheIsland
      - SESSION_NAME=Vertyco PvP (Slightly Boosted)
      - SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=placeholder
      - ASA_PORT=7787
      - RCON_PORT=27040
      - MAX_PLAYERS=100
      - CLUSTER_ID=pvpcluster
      - MOD_IDS=
      - CUSTOM_SERVER_ARGS=-ServerRCONOutputTribeLogs -NoTransferFromFiltering
      - MOTD=<RichColor Color="0,1,0,1">Servers running since November 29, 2023</>\n<RichColor Color="1,0,1,1">Exp x4 - Weight x3.5 - Gather x3 - Taming x7.5 - Breeding 90x</>\n\n<RichColor Color="1,0.65,0,1">Join the Discord for events and shop</>\n<RichColor Color="1,0,0,1"></><RichColor Color="0,1,0,1">vertyco</>
      - MOTD_DURATION=60
      - "7787:7787/tcp"
      - "7787:7787/udp"
      - "27040:27040/tcp"
      - "/home/vert/pvp/game:/usr/games/.wine/drive_c/POK/Steam/steamapps/common/ARK Survival Ascended Dedicated Server/ShooterGame"
      - "/home/vert/pvp/server:/usr/games/.wine/drive_c/POK/Steam/steamapps/common/ARK Survival Ascended Dedicated Server"
      - "/home/vert/pvp/cluster:/usr/games/.wine/drive_c/POK/Steam/steamapps/common/ShooterGame"
    mem_limit: 16G 

Am i just doing something wrong?

Extra Context

  • I set the PUID and PGID to the user i sign in with "vert"
  • I've already created the folders used in the volume bindings and confirmed that they are working when i place test files in them and then connect to the container to check.
  • I'm running it on a VM in proxmox, so the cpu type is set to "Host" as instructed
  • I'm running the docker-compose.yaml file from portainer

Yeah you are correct the reason being that server transfers are not working currently as is blocked by the devs so is just a place holders until devs enable server transfer

Ahhh okay thought I was just missing something dumb lol, thank you for the quick response! I really appreciate the work you have put into this project as well!