
force_install_dir being ignored

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im running your docker container as a test, the script installs the server files from steamcmd and then says that the manifest file doesn't exist.

so i swapped out the entrypoint for an infinity sleep and shelled into the container and ran the manually, and the script is right, the server files are not in the ASA_DIR as expected, it's installing them to ~/.steam/steamapps/common ?
i cannot for the life of me figure out why this would be as the command seems fine :|

here are the lines showing the issue

2024-06-18T20:35:57.028333024Z Success! App '2430930' fully installed.
2024-06-18T20:35:57.144186786Z Error: appmanifest_2430930.acf was not found after installation.

here's my compose

    image: acekorneya/asa_server:2_0_latest
    container_name: server1
    restart: unless-stopped
      - INSTANCE_NAME=my-ark-server
      - PUID=1000                            # The UID to run server as
      - PGID=1000                              # The GID to run server as
      - TZ=America/Los_Angeles               # Timezone setting: Change this to your local timezone. Ex.America/New_York, Europe/Berlin, Asia/Tokyo
      - BATTLEEYE=false                       # Set to TRUE to use BattleEye, FALSE to not use BattleEye
      - RCON_ENABLED=true                      # Needed for Graceful Shutdown / Updates / Server Notifications
      - DISPLAY_POK_MONITOR_MESSAGE=FALSE    # Or TRUE to Show the Server Monitor Messages / Update Monitor
      - UPDATE_SERVER=TRUE                   # Enable or disable update checks
      - CHECK_FOR_UPDATE_INTERVAL=24         # Check for Updates interval in hours
      - UPDATE_WINDOW_MINIMUM_TIME=12:00 AM  # Defines the minimum time, relative to server time, when an update check should run
      - UPDATE_WINDOW_MAXIMUM_TIME=11:59 PM  # Defines the maximum time, relative to server time, when an update
      - RESTART_NOTICE_MINUTES=30            # Duration in minutes for notifying players before a server restart due to updates
      - ENABLE_MOTD=false                     # Enable or disable Message of the Day
      - MOTD=""                                # Message of the Day
      - MOTD_DURATION=30                      # Duration for the Message of the Day
      - MAP_NAME=TheIsland                   # TheIsland, ScorchedEarth / TheIsland_WP, ScorchedEarth_WP, TheCenter_WP / Are the current official maps available
      - SESSION_NAME=Server_name
      - SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=awdawdawdad
      - SERVER_PASSWORD=                     # Set a server password or leave it blank (ONLY NUMBERS AND CHARACTERS ARE ALLOWED BY DEVS)
      - ASA_PORT=7777
      - RCON_PORT=27020
      - MAX_PLAYERS=10
      - CLUSTER_ID=cluster
      - MOD_IDS=""                             # Add your mod IDs here, separated by commas, e.g., 123456789,987654321
      - PASSIVE_MODS=""                        # Replace with your passive mods IDs
      - CUSTOM_SERVER_ARGS=""                  # If You need to add more Custom Args -ForceRespawnDinos -ForceAllowCaveFlyers
      - "7777:7777/tcp"
      - "7777:7777/udp"
      - "/servers/1/arkserver:/home/pok/arkserver"
      - "/servers/1/Saved:/home/pok/arkserver/ShooterGame/Saved"
      - "/servers/1/Cluster:/home/pok/arkserver/ShooterGame/Saved/clusters"
    mem_limit: 16G```

Most of the time, that issue happens because of permission problems, meaning the folders don't have the correct permissions (PUID and PGID of 1000). You can run sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /path/to/files (just change the file path to the location of the and see if that helps with your issue.