
Krita - 5.2.1 build?

matho53 opened this issue · 4 comments

Is there any chance of a 5.2.1 build?

I've been using the 5.2.0 binaries also with 5.2.1, there was no reason to rebuild. Unless you encountered issues?

I can update the readme to mention 5.2.1

Hi Acly,
I raised this as I'm receiving the following error:

When trying to import "" via Krita -> Tools ->Scripts -> Import Python Plugin Via File...
I assumed maybe it's a version issue - most likely doing it wrong :)

This is not a Python plugin, so it won't work like that. You have to extract the ZIP into your Krita installation folder (default is "C:\Program Files\Krita (x64)" if you didn't change it)

One should not assume 😊, hope its obvious I'm new to Krita.
Thank you, segmentation installed and works like a charm!