
Getting started page should also state post installation steps (as well as "Hello early user," app start page)

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getting started page should mention what to do after installation e.g. installing browser extensions or editor plugins.
Maybe there is a way to offer installation of the browser plugin after visiting the Activity Watcher?

Since the web extension isn't really necessary, I've hidden this under the 'Activity -> Browser' tab/visualizations for now:


Perhaps it's good UX to get people to do it straight away though. There is another benefit to having more people install the extension: improve our estimates of active users (which we only get from web extension installations:

Could detect browser and link directly to extension store pages (most users), and also link to watcher page in the docs (for more advanced users).

yes, the more advanced/determined will find it.
However, what block AW adoption is the high entry barrier.

Ideally, user after first visit of the app, should be offered a guided tour over the AW in my opinion, but that's another story.

yes, showing a google chrome store badge ( with link to google chrome store is the way to go