Hello guys,

I am so happy beacuse you are reading my project description and its very valuable for me


This project was mad with Vue ja and some libraries such as axios , chart js , ... .This project backend and Api are made ith node js , exexpress js, and its database is mongodb.

Bookstore - Google Chrome 09_08_1402 08_59_16 ب ظ

All page of this site was responisve and we can use it on some devices such as mobile phone this project is bookstore and have all things that can help you in your onlineshop also the user can find books very easy and he can filter resault and see realated book.

Bookstore - Google Chrome 09_08_1402 07_11_59 ب ظ

Dashboard pannel is a insterting feature in online shops.You can mange your product such as edit , remove , add products and you can create discount code for your users. You can edit your home page in dashboard pannel and change ypur banners and sliders . The great field i like it was analyze , you can watch your monthly buy of each books , most book users buyed , ..... in a some diffrent charts

Thank you
