
"Entry point not found" when using GtkAda

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to use GtkAda in my GPS project. (Repo)

  • Using the most recent freeware version (2017) of GNAT, GPS and GtkAda from the AdaCore website
  • GNAT installed at: C:\GNAT\2017
  • GtkAda installed at: C:\GtkAda
  • Windows 10

GPS builds the project just fine with no sign of error.

When I try to run the project, the following 2 pop-ups appear and then the process exits with the status code -1073741511. No console output or any other sign of my code running.

The procedure entry point cairo_surface_create_similar_image could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\GtkAda\bin\libgdk-3-0.dll.
The procedure entry point atk_range_new could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\GtkAda\bin\libgtk-3-0.dll. 

This might be more of a problem with Gtk than GtkAda, or it's Windows-specific, but does anyone have any thoughts?

This was a while ago, but I believe this was caused by a bad installation on Windows and was solved by re-installing.

Ah, thanks for the update!