
Documentation contains C examples and incorrect descriptions

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I recently completed my first GtkAda application, and I'm delighted with it, but I had to give up on making sense of the documentation, because:

  • The only examples I've seen in the examples seem to have been retained unchanged from Gtk's C examples. Even someone familiar with C would have difficulty making sense of them, because GtkAda has a different interface than Gtk: many similarly-named functions act differently, and some C functions don't appear in the Ada version, and vice versa.
  • Some functions are documented incorrectly. For instance, the Next function on a Tree_Iter is said to return True or False, but it returns a pointer instead, and the apparent (and apparently undocumented) design is to compare to Null_Iter. (I might be remembering the name wrong.)

It would be OK to submit patches to change this, correct? If so, I'll do this in reference to this issue. I just want to make sure there wasn't a deliberate decision to retain this.