This should be a fork from However, it is not possible to fork the same repository more than once in GitHub and MAestro is already a fork from Memphis, so we needed this workaround.
Application-Managed Many-core Modeling Platform for Heterogenous SoCs
MA-Memphis is a platform derived from Memphis, which is based on HeMPS. MA-Memphis is a full many-core model with:
- SystemC-modeled hardware (some parts can use VHDL)
- C Kernel and application library with newlib
- Standard set of applications
- Standard set of Management Application
- Scenario generation
- Debug tools
The chip area is divided in two regions: GPPC (General Purpose Processing Cores) and Peripherals. For more information, check the platform documentation.
The MA-Memphis platform is made to run in a Linux environment. It is possible, although not supported to run under a Mac environment. It is possible to use the WSL to run MA-Memphis platform under Windows.
- GCC (base development packages, check how to acquire GCC)
- riscv64-elf-gcc (to build OS, Memphis library and applications, check how to acquire RISCV cross-compiler)
- SystemC (to compile hardware model, check how to acquire SystemC)
- Python and needed libraries (to generate platform, check how to acquire Python)
- Graphical Debugger (optional, check how to acquire Debugger)
Clone this repository WITH SUBMODULES. The master branch is the latest release without development commits. In this example we chose the home directory.
cd ~
git clone --recurse-submodules
Export the environment variables:
Here we do it persistently with .bashrc. Remember to close and reopen the terminal after running:
echo -e "# MA-Memphis\nexport MA_MEMPHIS_PATH=~/MA-Memphis\nexport PATH=\${MA_MEMPHIS_PATH}/bin:\${PATH}\n" >> ~/.bashrc
MA-Memphis separates the testcase from the scenario. A testcase contains a description of the hardware and operating system of the platform. Create a new yaml file (here the example name will be example_testcase.yaml) in the sandbox folder containing:
hw: # Hardware properties
page_size_KB: 32 # Size of each memory page (maximum task size)
tasks_per_PE: 4 # Maximum number of tasks in the same PE (will define memory size)
mpsoc_dimension: [3,3] # Dimension of the many-core
Peripherals: # Attached peripherals
- name: APP_INJECTOR # Mandatory Application Injector peripheral
pe: 2,2 # is at border PE 2,2
port: N # Connected at port NORTH. Note to use a border port.
- name: MAINJECTOR # Mandatory MA Injector peripheral
pe: 0,0 # is connected at border PE 0,0
port: S # Connected at port SOUTH. Note to use a border port.
definitions: # Optional list of definitions to be passed to hardware build
- FLIT_SNIFFER: 1 # Add this line to enable detailed flit report
WARNING: The VHDL model supported by Memphis is still not entirely validated with MA-Memphis.
The scenario contains a description of the applications that will be evaluated in the platform. Create a yaml file (in this example we will use the name example_scenario.yaml) that contains:
management: # Management application properties
- task: mapper_task # The first in this list should ALWAYS be mapper_task
static_mapping: [0,0] # All management task should have static mapping defined
apps: # Application properties
- name: synthetic # Application synthetic
- name: prod_cons # Application prod_cons
start_time_ms: 5 # Application start time. When absent is 0.
static_mapping: # Optional static mapping
prod: [1,1] # prod task is static mapped to PE 1,1. Other tasks are dynamic mapped.
definitions: # Optional list of definitions to be passed to application build
After creating the description of the testcase and the scenario, the testcase should be generated:
memphis testcase example_testcase.yaml
Then, the scenario should be generated inside the testcase folder that was created by memphis testcase
memphis scenario example_testcase example_scenario.yaml
To simulate the generated model, run the simulation in the generated scenario folder:
memphis simulate example_testcase/example_scenario
When the memphis simulate
command executes, it runs the simulation and opens the graphical debugger. To avoid opening the debugger (for example in remote access), insert the --nogui
To open manually after a simulation is already done, run:
memphis debug example_testcase/example_scenario
The main window contains the informations described in the image below. Additional functionalities are:
- Communication Overview (Tools->Communication Overview)
- Task Mapping Overview (Tools->Task Mapping Overview)
- Debug Log Reader for MPSoCs (Deloream) (Tools->Deloream)
- PE Information (Click the desired PE)
- PE Log (Log->Continuous Reading)
- Scheduling (Scheduling->Open Scheduling Graph)
Shows the NoC traffic distributed among PEs.
Shows tasks running in each mapped PE or tasks that already terminated.
Shows by application and task the debug messages produced.
Shows all messages produced by the PE (including the kernel).
Shows a scheduling graph of the selected PE.
Check the GraphicalDebugger repository for more information. A video in portuguese is available showing all features of the Debugger.
- Monitoring framework
Dalzotto, A. E., Borges, C. S., Ruaro, M., and Moraes, F. G. (2022). Non-intrusive Monitoring Framework for NoC-based Many-Cores. In Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC), pages 1-7.
- Migration heuristic
Dalzotto, A. E., Borges, C. S., Ruaro, M., and Moraes, F. G. (2022). Leveraging NoC-based Many-core Performance Through Runtime Mapping Defragmentation. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), pages 1-6.
- Mapping heuristic
Dalzotto, A. E., Ruaro, M., Erthal, L. V., and Moraes, F. G. (2021). Dynamic Mapping for Many-cores using Management Application Organization. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), pages 1-6.
- MA-Memphis
Dalzotto, A. E., Ruaro, M., Erthal, L. V., and Moraes, F. G. (2021). Management Application - a New Approach to Control Many-Core Systems. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI), pages 1-6.
- MA Paradigm
Ruaro, M., Santana, A., Jantsch, A., and Moraes, F. G. (2021). Modular and Distributed Management of Manycore SoCs. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS), 38(1-2):1-16.
- Memphis
Ruaro, M., Caimi, L. L., Fochi, V., and Moraes, F. G. (2019). Memphis: a framework for heterogeneous many-core SoCs generation and validation. Design Automation for Embedded Systems, 23(3-4):103-122.
- BrNoC
Wachter, E., Caimi, L. L., Fochi, V., Munhoz, D., & Moraes, F. G. (2017). BrNoC: A broadcast NoC for control messages in many-core systems. Microelectronics Journal, 68:69-77.
- Scheduler
Ruaro, M., and Moraes, F. G. (2016). Dynamic real-time scheduler for large-scale MPSoCs. In Proceedings of the Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, pages 341-346.
Ruaro, M., Lazzarotto, F. B., Marcon, C. A., and Moraes, F. G. (2016). DMNI: A specialized network interface for NoC-based MPSoCs. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pages 1202-1205.
- Graphical Debugger
Ruaro, M., Carara, E. A., and Moraes, F. G. (2014). Tool-set for NoC-based MPSoC debugging—A protocol view perspective. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pages 2531-2534.
- Framework
Castilhos, G., Wachter, E., Madalozzo, G., Erichsen, A., Monteiro, T., and Moraes, F. (2014). A framework for mpsoc generation and distributed applications evaluation. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), pages 408-411.
Carara, E. A., De Oliveira, R. P., Calazans, N. L., and Moraes, F. G. (2009). HeMPS-a framework for NoC-based MPSoC generation. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pages 1345-1348.
- NoC
Moraes, F., Calazans, N., Mello, A., Möller, L., and Ost, L. (2004). HERMES: an infrastructure for low area overhead packet-switching networks on chip. Integration, 38(1):69-93.
- Plasma CPU
Rhoads, S. (2001). Plasma CPU. Source: