Test errors
Closed this issue · 6 comments
As seen here.
I can't work out where this is from. I've tried installing python-pam from apt-get, python-pam from pypi, pam from pypi, simplepam from pypi.. Nothing.
I'm not sure what this is supposed to be o/
Managed to fix that one eventually. No module named useful now, did you put it in your requirements?
Some of the tests are unable to find their modules. Additionally, your setup/teardowns don't seem right, this test is complaining that a temporary dir already exists, for example.
Adding cylinder-server to the python path should solve the missing modules in tests.
Yeah, that's what I thought, but well.. Let me give you the steps I have set up right now.
- Clone the repo
- Script:
pip install -U setuptools nose python-pam --download-cache $HOME/.pip-cache/
pip install -U -r ./requirements_linux.txt --download-cache $HOME/.pip-cache/
- Script:
{ # Download and install the Bamboo built tools for Python
mkdir -p tmp
git clone https://github.com/tumb1er/bamboo-build-tools.git tmp/
cd tmp && python setup.py install || cd ..
rm -rf tmp
} || { # Copy the tests over
mkdir -p /home/adam02/tests
cp -R tests/* /home/adam02/tests
chown -R adam02 /home/adam02
ls /home/adam02/tests
- Script:
chmod a+rwx $PWD
export PATH="$PATH"
export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$PWD/Cylinder-server/"
sudo -Hu adam02 -ns /usr/local/bin/nosetests --with-xunit --with-coverage --cover-xml -v /home/adam02/tests /home/adam02/tests/unit
cat coverage.xml | coverage2clover > clover.xml
- Test parser
Had an idea, which fixed that part: http://bamboo.gserv.me/browse/CYL-SERV-JOB1-20/test